XLS(MS Excel) Emitter for BIRT
For those who wanted an xls emitter for a long time, finally here may be a chance to taste. Thanks the Apache POI project and the new layout engine of BIRT 2.0, now we can easily create an xls emitter though it looks obviously not that fancy yet.
To install and use:
1. Install and run Birt correctly first. Since various api changed between 2.0RC and release version in birt engine, This plugin will only work with BIRT 2.0.0/2.0.1 final release(You need to download corresponding packages).
2. Extract the downloaded plugin file into the eclipse plugins directory.
3. Download Apahce POI library from apache site, put it in the /lib directory under the extracted xls plugin folder. You must donwload the latest 3.0 dev version, since the 2.5 release version doesn’t support the image output. A tested and recommended version is poi-3.0-alpha1-20050704.jar.
4. Download and apply the chart&designer&viewer patch file so to make the xls plugin work correctly both in the designer and viewer. If you are building BIRT from a CVS source tree, override the soure file; if you are just using the binary BIRT sdk, replace the class files in related plugin jar. Here is the list:
org.eclipse.birt.chart.reportitem org\eclipse\birt\chart\reportitem\ChartReportItemPresentationImpl in plugins/org.eclipse.birt.chart.reportitem_2.0.x/reportitem.jar
org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui org\eclipse\birt\report\designer\ui\actions\PreviewToolbarMenuAction in plugins/org.eclipse.birt.report.designer.ui_2.0.x/ui.jar
org.eclipse.birt.report.viewer org\eclipse\birt\report\viewer\aggregation\layout\EngineFragment in plugins/org.eclipse.birt.report.viewer_2.0.x/birt/WEB-INF/lib/viewservlets.jar
Though only three files are involved, this is just to make the designer/viewer simply work with the xls emitter. So the xls option will only appear in the preview toolbar action, sure you can apply your own patch to make it visible in the File menu as well.
5. Ok, now create a report as usual and choose preview as XLS, enjoy:)
Both binary and source are available now:).
For BIRT2.0.0
Download binary: http://qauck.host.sk/xls-emitter.zip
Download source: http://qauck.host.sk/xls-emitter-src.zip
For BIRT2.0.1
Download binary: http://qauck.host.sk/xls-emitter-bin_2.0.1.zip
Download source: http://qauck.host.sk/xls-emitter-src_2.0.1.zip
(If you have problem downloading the above files, try right click the link and select "save target as..." or use some web proxies.)