Tribix 2.5.1 released
I'm pleased to announce that Tribix 2.5.1 is released.
What's New:
o Added customizable sheet name support for XLS output.
o Fixed totol page support(BIRT 2.5.1 or above).
o Updated POI dependency to 3.5 final.
Tribix update site is also available since this release:
I am using BIRT 2.5.1 with this Tribix 2.5.1 in my web application to generate XLS reports with data and charts and it is working fine.
Kindly tell me how to add customizable sheet name support for XLS output (with source code) and what are the other things of the XLS output i can customize?
Also how to configure fixed row height support for XLS?
Your help is extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I am unable to set the sheet name and delete empty rows. I am using the code-
Map xlsConfig = new HashMap( );
// Check out constants in for more configuration detail.
xlsConfig.put( "fixed_column_width", new Integer( 50 ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Associate the configuration with the XLS output format.
config.setEmitterConfiguration( "xls", xlsConfig );
However only the "fixed_column_width" is working fine :( :( .. plz help
You can refer to for how to configure the custom sheet name.
Note "remove_empty_row" only removes rows that constians neither style info nor content.
Yeah! Thnx a lot.
However the cell width and height is creating a little bit of an issue with the tribix emitter when only tabular data is being displayed through BIRT crosstab.
I would be really really thankful if you just tell me the source code of accessing the generated Chart Image from Java code.
I would then take the image as a byteoutputstream and using apache poi display it in an excel file.
Plz plz email me the solution at or
My working source code to generate a Birt report in excel is
ByteArrayOutputStream reportOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
IReportEngine birtReportEngine = BirtEngine.getBirtEngine();
IReportRunnable design = null;
String reportPath==getContext().getServletContext().getRealPath("/reports")+ "/reportchart.rptdesign";
design = birtReportEngine.openReportDesign(reportPath);
IRunAndRenderTask task = birtReportEngine.createRunAndRenderTask(design);
IRenderOption options = new RenderOption();
Map appContext = task.getAppContext();
I can access the Chart object at runtime from the following code
ExtendedItemHandle eih = (ExtendedItemHandle) design.getDesignHandle().getDesignHandle().findElement("NewChart");
ChartWithAxes barChart = (ChartWithAxes) eih.getReportItem().getProperty(
plz tell me how to access the generated chart image (JPG or SVG)
The image content is only accessible in the engine emitter interface. You cannot get it through model API.
Hi. I've been playing a lot with BIRT and found the Tribix Emitter looking for a way to export my resports as both PDF and XLS with tons of images.
I've found Tribix to do the job however I find the way it exports hidden (or 1 pixel long or wide) rows and columns making a mess that looks ok but if you navigate through it with the cursor, it becomes a hell...
Is there a way to make the rows and columns just as even as the original BIRT emitter?
I'v faced the same problem as OctaviusMaximus. Shawn,is it possible to delete the hidden rows and columns?
I am using tribix 2.5.1 to generate XLS reports with data it works fine but i have one problem that it is generating a new worksheet for each page-break i don't need this then what i have to do?? please help me
i.e. i need whole report in a single sheet of excel as it is in html formats
if i will generate directly(with out using tribix) excel file contains only xml code
Thanks in advance
config = new EngineConfig( );
Platform.startup( config );
IReportEngineFactory factory = ...;
IReportEngine engine = ...;
xlsConfig.put( "export_single_page", true ); <--- here is the magic
config.setEmitterConfiguration( "xls", xlsConfig );
It's been a qhile since the last comment was made, but I can't find a solution anywhere.
Tribix XLS emitter creates a new worksheet for each filled "page". That is, if the page type is Letter, when the content(text, table, etc) reaches that size, it creates a new sheet and continues with the rest of the content.
I need tribix to create a new sheet with each page break and not with the page size.
I found this line in the the plugin.xlm:
pagination= "paper-size-pagination"/>
with blind faith I tried to change it to "no-pagination" or "page-break-pagination" but no luck.
Is there a way of forcing new sheets ONLY with page breaks and NOT with page size?.
I'm using the last version of tribix with Birt webviewer 2.6.2
Thank you in advance!
Did anybody have a fix for blank columns generated by Tribix?
I think we should get rid of Tribix and move to BIRT's internal excel emitter.
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