Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tribix 2.2.0rc released

I'm pleased to announce that Tribix 2.2.0rc is released.

Several main change involves:

1. Adapt api change since BIRT 2.2.0rc.
2. Reorganized plugin structures.
3. Several minor fix in RTF emitter.


At May 30, 2007 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hola,necesito saber que debo modificar en el emitter XLS para que todo el contenido exportado este en un solo sheet.

ocupo la version 2.2.RC0 de BIRT
eso..agradeceria tu respuesta.

At May 31, 2007 12:43 AM, Blogger ivap said...

Thanks for the deployment

Do you have an example on how I can programatically get the report engine to generate rtf files ?

At May 31, 2007 3:43 AM, Blogger ivap said...

Actually I was able to get this running now

At July 05, 2007 9:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for your work i use it (ppt emiter) in a very large projet with some patch and add on
1 use of custom user property of Birt report item to draw rectangle with rounded corner etc
2 fusion at runtime of multiple rptdesing to publish a real dashboard (many slides). etc ...
but i've some problem
1 with chart : the different size layout of birt document and the slide in powerpoint have some a resizing generated image impact and png (default accepted format) does'nt like resizing : chart is not clean. To fixe that i must generate a very big image (in a small area to resized ). A big image could be resized
without it being dirty(axis, labels)
2 in the birt 2.2 there is an another ppt emitter but this new one doesn't use poi to generate ppt document but xml synthaxe. it don't work with chart: did you try ?


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